Andy is Raleigh Ritchie’s second studio album, released June 26, 2020. The first single release from the album, Time in a Tree was nearly two years prior album release, on August 2, 2018. In the weeks leading up to the release of the album, Raleigh published the singles Aristocrats along with a music video on May 6, Party Fear on June 5 and Squares on June 23. On the day prior to release, Raleigh Ritchie tweeted about Andy and explained the difficulties he faced with the album: Second albums are weird. The difficult second album cliche is real shit. There’s an expectation on you based on what you’ve done before, but also an expectation that you’ll do something different. You put all the pressure on yourself to maintain what makes you special but still evolve. I guess what I’m saying is you can overthink these things. During an interview on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Raleigh explains the meaning of naming the album Andy: It’s the nickname of my granddad. My granddad was called Basil […], my name is Jacob Basil Anderson. […] People called him Andy, short for Anderson. And basically, people started calling me Andy randomly and it felt like there was a nice connection there. I didn’t want to call my album Jacob even though it’s very personal. And also, my granddad’s house is like my safe place from when I was a kid. There’s a lot of stuff on this album that’s quite raw and personal, so calling it Andy was like, it felt like he was protecting the album, protecting me.
Distribution of songs on RR2 by producer